Explore the Interactive 2024 Consumer Insights Report

Welcome to our AI mascot created to help you explore the 2024 Consumer Insights Report in a new way. Not only can our mascot help you understand how consumers responded to the questions we asked, but it can also give you insightful advice, based on those consumer responses.

Want to give it a try? Ask it anything based on the survey questions (full list below) and any filters that might be interesting to your query (i.e., country, age, gender and income). Use natural language, just as you would with ChatGPT.

Here are some examples of what you might ask:

  • What key trends are you seeing in this year’s data among Millennials?
  • How can I encourage consumers to shop on my brand website vs. a third-party retailer?
  • What can you suggest marketers do or consider based on this consumer insights data in context to the death of third-party cookies. What advice or considerations should marketers plan for?
  • How can I encourage Gen Z to book with my travel website directly?
  • What deals or offers are most attractive to Baby Boomers?
2024 Consumer Insights: Full Question Set

Here are the questions we asked consumers. All answers available in the CIR can also be filtered by country, age, gender and income. Copy and paste any question into the mascot, or use elements of a question to craft a new query against the data we have, including asking it to filter by an age group, gender, income level or U.S/U.K.

  1. Which devices do you own and use regularly (at least 4 times a week)?
  2. How often do you shop online?
  3. In your last 12 months of online shopping, who have you purchased an item for the MOST?
  4. Compared to the amount of online shopping you did in the last 12 months, which of the following best describes your plans for the next 12 months?
  5. When shopping online, which three categories do you purchase most frequently?
  1. Which are the most trustworthy places to buy a product online from your favorite brands?
  2. Thinking of your non-grocery ONLINE purchases over the next 12 months, where are you planning to purchase the MOST products?
  3. When choosing a brand to buy from directly online (not from retailers or on a marketplace), which factors influence your decision?
  4. When choosing a brand to buy from directly online (not from retailers or on a marketplace), which factors influence your decision?
  5. Which offers could a brand make on their website or in their apps to convince you to opt-in to receive their emails and/or- text messages directly from them?
  1. Where do you prefer to learn about your favorite brands’ offers or deals?
  2. If you were to visit a brand’s website or app, and that brand later wanted to send you tailored offers on items you've shown interest in, how would you prefer to receive these exclusive messages?
  3. After visiting their website or app, which of the following messages could a brand send you that would help persuade you to purchase directly from their website or app?
  4. How likely are you to purchase from a brand’s email, text, or app push notification highlighting the exact products you recently browsed on their website or in their app?
  5. Which factors have the biggest impact on your impression of a brand?
  1. What kinds of ad formats do you prefer best?
  2. Which platforms do you prefer to see or engage with ads the most?
  3. Where are you typically first exposed to a new product?
  4. How do you typically learn more about a product?
  5. Where do you typically make a final purchase on a product you’ve researched?
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