Stepping Up for Black Friday and Beyond: Proven Strategies to Boost Footwear Sales

For consumers, summer is in the spotlight, but for footwear brands, holiday planning is in full swing. As you balance launching new collections and driving current sales, ensuring you're prepared for Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) is crucial. This BFCM blueprint for footwear covers expected trends, key dates, and early strategies to ensure your success by the time fall collections hit the shelves.

In this guide, you’ll:

  • Learn what we predict for BFCM 2024
  • Gain insights from what we learned last year
  • Get some great considerations and tactics to take into your BFCM planning

Cart abandonment behavior will spike:

  • 20-30% lift in marketing opt-in rates ahead of BFCM
  • 19% of shoppers abandoned their carts to find a better deal elsewhere
  • 14.9% of shoppers abandoned their carts to see if a product would go on sale